An ongoing challenge for the mining industry
is to increasingly achieve more efficient
operations and at the same time develop
its activity in a more ecological and safe
environment for their workers.
Is in this challenge where information
and robotics represent a key contribution.
This is the reason why in recent years
CODELCO Chile has led international seminars
where mining companies with operations in
Chile and abroad, mining-related
organizations,information technology
and robotics (TICAR),and scholars from
Located at 2,250 meters of height, the city of Calama is 1,568 km |
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Tourist Information and
surrounding the
Calama - Chile. |
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List of hotels near the place where the seminar will be held. |
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El Ministro de Minería Hernán de Solminihac se refirió... |
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La segunda jornada de la sexta versión del... |
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Muchos proyectos tecnológicos con los... |
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