Technological Innovation and Research


The ongoing search for and development of technological innovations is a strategic activity for Codelco. The incorporation of new technologies in the mining-metallurgical processes aims to increase productivity, improve safety at work and ensure the protection of the environment.

In 2010, Codelco invested US$ 78 million in various corporate technological programmes and projects; in the framework of technological research and development, and innovation initiatives. This also includes projects developed by Codelco subsidiaries and related companies.

The most significant progress during the period was as follows:


Technological Development

Corresponds to multi-year initiatives aimed to solve specific and key challenges for Codelco.

Underground Mining

The main objective is to significantly improve productivity of block caving and its employment in Codelco’s new projects.

Since 2000 the Company has developed four lines of research:

  • Pre-condition,
  • Transition mining,
  • Mining preparation and
  • Continuous mining.

Pre-condition aims to modify the rock characteristics, applying a combination of hydraulic fracturing and blasting with explosives. In 2010, key activities were the blast test and evaluation at El Teniente Division and 2011 blast plan preparation for blasting at 200 metres above sea level at Andina Division. Data gathering was also completed, consolidating all the information acquired during the last 10 years.

Transition mining focused on preparing the application test for the Sizer equipment at El Teniente Division in 2011, this includes construction, equipment procurement and test protocols.

Metallurgical validation studies were also carried out on the Sizer crushing equipment, based on the results obtained at Andina Division in 2010.

In mine preparation, prefabricated frames to reinforce the extraction points were tested and are currently being assessed to see their behaviour in operating conditions underground. As for rapid tunnel development, the complete section equipment application was conceptually assessed.

Together with supplier companies, the conceptual design of the equipment was developed for a complete section and it was agreed that its experimental application would be used in Codelco divisions and projects.

Codelco considers the future development of low-cost, high yield and ecofriendly, automated continuous underground mining. In 2010, continuous mining focused on selecting a sector at Andina Division to apply its mass implementations. The associated basic and conceptual engineering study was developed and completed in March 2011. Secondary blasting equipment was looked for in order to ensure the flow of mineral ore during the operation. Furthermore, basic engineering was carried out for equipment that safely locates and installs charges in the rock, which was one of the solutions studied for chained rocks, that are currently a risk to the operation and the material-managing equipment is less productive.


Open-Pit Mining

In the medium term, the aim is to develop and validate theoretical blast designs, slope engineering and industrial assessment of autonomous transport initiatives.

In 2010, work was jointly undertaken with Acumine, an Australian company, on the conceptualisation of Automated Open-Pit Mining and resources were requested to implement the first stage of the project, scheduled to start in 2011.

Furthermore, the Acumine-Micomo Collision Avoidance System began to be applied at an industrial level on the entire Andina Division mine fleet, to significantly improve safety at the operations. The system was installed in ten machines at Radomiro Tomic mine as a pilot test.

The Company worked jointly with its subsidiary IM2 assessing the impact of Vertical Slope technology, applied in a section of the Mina Sur mine, in the Chuquicamata’s transition from an open-pit mine to an underground mine and in Toqui Mine at Chuquicamata Division. In the cases analysed, there is a potential impact on the projects’ profitability and output capacity.


Mineral Processing

In 2010, focus was on the efficient use of energy and water and on increasing mineral recovery.

In comminution technologies, an Electrodynamic Control Ball for SAG Mill was designed, built and tested; it monitors online the grinding component movements inside the machinery, improving process control. This invention is currently being patented.

Another initiative was the lab scale assessment of an electrodynamic fracturing technology that had promising results; it aims to significantly reduce energy consumption in the comminution process.

A semi-pilot test was also implemented in a Loesche mill, in Germany. The technology being tested is based on mineral attrition with rotating components. Tests were carried out on mineral ore and slag samples. The results, which demonstrated an important reduction in energy consumption, have to be validated at a larger scale.

Studies were undertaken to determine the Seismic Stability of the Carén Dam at El Teniente Division. The idea was to put paste on the tailings dump. The study involved taking samples from different places in the dump, and modelling the stability conditions under different applications. The results showed that it is safe to use paste in the Carén dam.

Additionally, using tailings at the Division, thickness tests were carried out at a pilot plant in the dam. Results showed that the thickening technology increases solids to 66%, with the consequent water recovery and improved efficiency of the tailings dams. As for optimised mineral recovery, Andina Division assessed the Molybdenum Recovery technology at industrial level, by injecting emulsified flotation reactive in micro-bubbles.


Concentrate Smelter

In the Continuous Smelting programme, important progress was made in the continuity and integration of pyrometallurgical processes. Based on fluid-dynamics and metallurgical models, an operational methodology was structured at the Potrerillos smelter, to apply a continuous fusion process at El Teniente converter and semi-continuous cleaning in the slag cleaning furnace.

Additionally, progress was made in developing devices to measure variables in the line process, such as phase level, magnetite and copper sensors. The analysis covered conversion operating practices in use at the Chuquicamata and Caletones smelters, as well as the corresponding theoretical support, it opens the way to continue developing continuous anode refining technology.


In Situ Mining

In 2010, the impact of using confined blasting in a deposit was assessed to improve permeability of solutions through rock and its effect on the process. The results showed improvement in rock permeability.

A Phenomenological Model was validated, that forecasts and estimates parameters and determines the technical feasibility of the process. A case study was also carried out at Salvador Division, where the economic benefit of implementing In-Situ Leaching technology using confined blasting was assessed.


Remaining Resources

Engineering studies undertaken in order to validate the geological-mining- metallurgical base and assess the viability of extracting the remaining resources in the Inca deposit at Salvador Division. 16,000 metres of ascending reverse circulation drilling were completed and enhancements were made to the mass balance methodology in order to speed up the validation of the broken ore model.

Additionally, mine planning studies were carried out to assess the interference of the future open-pit mine with the current underground plan, in order to define mining scenarios with more economic-technical potential.


Water Treatment

A pilot test programme was developed to validate the Sulphate Abatement technologies for sulphates contained in water.

The project was centred in Andina to treat infiltrated water. A test was applied using bio-reduction technology, applied by the Dutch Company Paques; and technologies provided by Veolia and Harrison Western were chosen to start work on the pilot plants. The goal is to have a validated technology to abate sulphates.


Intellectual Property

An Intellectual Property Protection Management System was implemented in the Company. It is a computer system that records and monitors the in-house patent procedure and the external process at the Instituto Nacional de Ownership Intelectual, INAPI. Thereby it keeps track of actions and authorisations, and it has a high security level as well as restricted access since it deals with the Company’s confidential information.

A Technological Development Assessment Manual was prepared that sets out the procedures to assess any innovation proposal.



Science and Technology

Codelco has developed an approach focused on developing alliances with leading R&D companies and organisations, both in Chile and overseas. Its goal is to promote the incorporation of innovation and technology to improve productivity and sustainability.

In 2010, Codelco participated in the implementation of the following projects and initiatives together with Chilean universities, international institutions and companies:


Projects Fondef

  • Multivariable modelling for deposit assessment (Universidad de Chile).
  • Methodologies to assess long-term copper mining plans with uncertain prices and ore grade (Universidad de Chile).
  • Generation of a commercial technological packet to implement solar wind technology at an industrial scale (Fundación Palma).


Projects sponsored by Corfo

  • Development of a local capacity and knowledge platform to create new products using the bactericidal properties of copper (International Copper Association, ICA).
  • Prospecting for the standardisation of mining objects (Universidad de Chile and Freeport McMoran), which aims to set standards to develop mining software.
  • Applications and challenges of molybdenum for the industry and researchers in Chile (Molymet and Universidad de Chile).
  • In 2009, Codelco and OTRI Chile jointly developed the project Strengthening the Technological Business Market based on National Inventions, which was sponsored by Innova Chile, Enami, Sonami, Drillco and Indura. Its objective is to bring together inventors and the mining industry through a national competition. Among the proposals submitted, Codelco has been developing the Detector of Failures in Conveyor Belts project since 2010.


International Collaborative Research Projects

  • Geometalurgical Mapping and Mine Modelling: this international, multicompany collaborative project, managed by AMIRA, aims to develop new tools for the prediction of mineral behaviour at plants. In 2010, work started on the ore characterisation study at Andina and Chuquicamata divisions, with new techniques developed during the previous project stage.
  • Hybrid Stress Blasting Model: this project was completed in 2009, therefore in 2010 research focused on how to approach a complementary stage so as to consolidate results, ensure the software works, validate the model with industrial information and calibrate its parameters with real results. This complementary stage is scheduled to be completed in 2012.
  • Mass Mining Technologies: The second phase of this project was started, in which ten mining companies are involved. The initiative will last three years and it will provide further knowledge on Block Caving methods in underground mining, specifically in gravitational flow, block caving mechanics, primary comminution and subsidence.
  • Río de Cobre (River of Copper): In the context of this technological alliance between Codelco and Rio Tinto, activities were carried out to develop underground mining projects and mineral processing. Additional activities were implemented to share knowledge and experience, in the application of technologies and knowledge protection strategies related to technology development.

Automation, telecommunications and information technologies

Codelco believes that information, telecommunications and automation technologies (TICA) are essential to enable new work models and to ensure the future and sustainable viability of mining. This strategy, called Codelco Digital, gives priority to the efficient use of these technologies, focused on mining production processes. In 2010, key innovation projects, TICA applied to mine management, were as follows:

  • Start-up of Integrated Operations Centre at Andina Division, the first control centre in the mining industry where an integrated data platform of all the production processes was launched.
  • Mine fleet management, in the open-pit and underground mine services where implemented that incorporated standard technology that enable the company to continuously enhance mining processes. Particularly, the application of high precision technologies and their integration from the mine operations into the ERP/SAP system.
  • Consolidation of an operational management platform, based on the PI System technology, as data support and business knowledge base, which provides real time data on Codelco’s mining operations.
  • Codelco entered an agreement with Microsoft to explore the creation of a Mining Software Solution Centre, in northern Chile. The initiative involves experts assigned by both companies, who work with specialised support centres overseas and are creating a project portfolio and associated business cases.



Codelco in technological companies

biosigma Biosigma S.A.

Biosigma S.A.






2002   Codelco [66%] | Nippon Mining & Metals Co Ltd [34%]


Codelco and the Japanese Nippon Mining & Metals, Co. Ltd. created BioSigma S.A. in 2002 to incorporate into mining biotechnology breakthroughs (genomics, proteomics and y bioinformatics), so that processing of low grade resources and other secondary material becomes sustainable. In 2010, Radomiro Tomic Division built the first Biomass Industrial Plant to apply BioSigma technologies for bioleaching primary and secondary minerals, using BioSigma-SBP® and BioSigma CPY® processes.

This plant, the only one in the world, will produce, on an industrial scale, the microorganisms isolated by BioSigma, that together with the native flora in the minerals help to increase the microbial activity in the bioleaching process of sulphide minerals.

Biomass production technological validation in the industry, during the next two years, as well as the developments in bioleaching technologies will open prospects for the application of BioSigma technologies to a vast range of low-grade mineral processing projects at Codelco and other companies.

In addition to technological development, BioSigma’s strategic focal points aim to generate intellectual property rights, from a basic scientific viewpoint, in the field of biotechnology and molecular microbiology.

Until 2010, BioSigma has submitted twenty patent applications for the Company’s developments in Chile and overseas, including the first patents granted in Chile, the United States, Australia, South Africa, Japan, China and other important mining countries.

im2-thmb Instituto de Innovación en Minerí­a y Metalurgia, IM2

Instituto de Innovación en Minerí­a y Metalurgia, IM2






1998   Codelco [100%]


IM2 is a Codelco subsidiary focused on generating knowledge, technological solutions and innovations for the different copper mining and metallurgical processes.

In 2010, IM2 developed 115 technological innovation and research projects. 55.7% of the funds for these projects go to Codelco’s technological programmes in underground and open-pit mining, in-situ leaching, high temperature processes and mineral ore processing; while 29.4 % were division initiatives aimed to optimise existing processes, and 14.09 % to technological services.

In mine planning, the development of the Optimised Sequence Generator software for open-pit mining and the validation of division projects for applying in underground mining were completed.

In high temperature processes, activities were undertaken in the fusion modules, Codelco continuous conversion, continuous anode refining and instrumentation applicable to continuous smelting in the context of the corporate technological programme.

Additionally, at Chuquicamata Division an automated manipulator was implemented to remove slag from the Flash furnace.

As for intellectual property, in 2010, IM2 jointly with Codelco submitted 5 patent applications for national inventions; and two patents were granted in the country.

kairos-thmb Kairos Mining S.A.

Kairos Mining S.A.






Diciembre de 2006   Codelco [40%] | Honeywell [60%]   [email protected]


Kairos Mining is a joint venture between Codelco and Honeywell, a world leader in process control and automation systems, which aims to incorporate next generation automation systems at concentrator plants, supporting changes in operational practices to optimise asset productivity and sustain Codelco’s long-term business performance.

In 2010, in addition to the programme applied at Chuquicamata, Andina and El Teniente, new programmes were incorporated: automation of operations in the Ministro Hales project and at Salvador Division. In the latter, work started in fitting out the control rooms, upgrading the automation platform and enhancing the flotation and thickening process and molybdenum plant.

In 2010, the company continued to incorporate other mining companies such as Doña Inés de Collahuasi. In addition to the successful completion of applications at the grinding plant, service coverage was expanded to the water treatment plants, by incorporating advanced solutions in the tailings thickeners.

The Corporate Support Centre continues to deliver maintenance services, online system and application monitoring, incident management and document management for Chuquicamata, Andina and El Teniente divisions.

micomo-thmb Micomo Limited

Micomo Limited






2006   Codelco [66%] | Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Co Ltd NTT [34%]


Micomo, company formed by Codelco and NTT, a leading Japanese company in information and communication technology development, provides design, supply, installation and maintenance services for information and communication technology products for the mining industry and related services, and for Codelco and other Chilean and foreign mining companies.

In 2010, Micomo had an important role in the successful rescue of the 33 miners trapped at the San José mine. It adapted audio and video communications systems to the refuge and wireless systems on the surface. Both were essential in helping the miners stay physically and psychologically fit.

During the period, SO2 (sulphur dioxide) particulate matter impact and weather forecast and monitoring services were regularly operational and with high availability in the Norte District, and the weather forecast and SO2 impact solution was completed at Ventanas Division.

In 2011, work will start on the development of an air quality impact forecasting system for pre-stripping operations at Ministro Hales Division. This new Nowcasting solution is more geographically detailed and is updated every hour, which will impact the speed of operational decisions regarding particulate matter generation.

Additionally, agreements were reached with Minera Spence, operated by BHP Billiton Base Metals, and Minera Los Pelambres, operated by Antofagasta Minerals, as customers of air quality impact, weather forecast and modelling services. Micomo was chosen by BHP Billiton Base Metals as the strategic supplier for its Cluster Programme. As for BOTDR (Brillouin Optical Time- Domain Reflectometry), a service was completed to measure the service tunnel deformation at Chuquicamata.

This technology was also validated at El Teniente Dvision, hence completing this development co-funded by Corfo- Innova, Codelco, NTT and Micomo for this first application in mining.

This technology was also documented in order to submit three patent applications for industrial property and also register SidMil software, which is used to represent and analyse alarms generated by these measurements.

Photonic communication services were increased to monitor and control the concentrator, smelter and refinery at Chuquicamata Division.

In El Teniente Division monitoring, control and remote operation services were expanded at Pilar Norte. High capacity wireless communications increased penetration with mass monitoring services through video for security and process monitoring applications at Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic and Calama, for the refinery and industrial protection area of Distrito Norte; and also in the Radomiro Tomic mine and operations site.

Micomo, also participated in national and international conferences and seminars in Calama, Lima and Tokyo; and attended exploratory meetings in Peru and Bolivia.

mirs-thmb Mining Industry Robotic Solutions S.A. , Mirs

Mining Industry Robotic Solutions S.A. , Mirs






2007   Codelco [36%] | High Service Ltda. [53%] | Nippon Mining & Metals Co Ltd [9%] | KUKA Roboter GmbH [2%]


MIRS focuses on research, design, creation, invention, manufacturing, installation, supply, maintenance and marketing of robotic solutions for the mining industry.

Several key products have been industrially incorporated, such as those installed at Radomiro Tomic and Chuquicamata: a robotic solution to manage rejected cathodes; three for transferring initial plates at Radomiro Tomic refinery, and a robotic solution for opening and blocking the slag discharge passage in the flash furnace at the Chuquicamata smelter.

Based on solutions developed in 2009, MIRS conceptualised various robotic solutions to be applied in different production processes at Codelco. During the period, work was started on the installation of four robotic manipulators, in the Industrial Test of Initial Plate Separation Automation, at Ventanas Division.

Conceptual engineering was developed for seven new robotic solutions for different applications in Codelco’s production processes.

In the local market, MIRS launched a robotic solution to sample molybdenum concentrates in big bags at Molynor. It also obtained two robotic projects to manage cathodes at two important private mining operations located in northern Chile.

ecometales-thmb Ecometales Limited

Ecometales Limited






2006   Codelco Technologies Limited [36%]


Ecometales focuses on all types of mineral treatment and processing, particularly metal recovery and impurity treatment.

In 2010, Ecometales processed 54,000 tonnes of dust recovered from the concentrate smelting operations at Codelco Norte, Salvador and Ventanas Divisions. This involved transporting approximately 9,000 tonnes of fine copper.

After the applied research, approval was given to the project to build an antimony and arsenic abatement plant, in order to confine the smelter dust and refinery effluent impurities at Chuquicamata Division. The plant is expected to have a nominal processing capacity of 75,000 tonnes per day and 350,000 m3 per year of refinery effluents.

In 2010, capital expenditure totalled US$ 14 million on critical equipment and construction, and the industrial operation is scheduled to start in 2012. In new businesses, it conducted a selective recovery process of molybdenum dissolved in acid solutions, using ionexchange resin that produces molybdenum oxide. The feasibility study will be implemented in 2011.