As at December 2010
RUT: 76.883.610-8
Incorporation: 15 June 2008.
Notary’s Office: Osvaldo Pereira González. Registered in the Santiago Registry of Commerce on page 25340 No.18444, under number 19324, in 2008.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$2,000, for 990 shares equivalent to a 99% interest.
The purpose of the company is to develop, directly or through a related party, individually or jointly with others, within Chilean territory or abroad, the following activities: generate, supply, purchase and sell electricity; provide all kinds of energy services; obtain, transfer, purchase, rent, tax or operate in whatever way the relevant concessions and markets pursuant to the General Electric Services Law and other regulations that regulate energy services; request permits, authorisations and franchises to preserve, promote or develop the company’s business; purchase, sell, import, export, manufacture, produce, market, and distribute all kinds of goods or inputs, that are related to any kind of energy.
Waldo Fortin Cabezas, Presidente (*)
Mario Espinoza D. (*)
Juan Medel Fernández (*)
Andrés Alonso (*)
As at 31 December 2010, Codelco had a 99% interest and Sociedad Inversiones Copperfield Ltda., 1%. No changes during this period.
Does not have business relations with Codelco.
No contracts were entered into with Codelco..
2010 Inversión en empresa coligada US$0 miles. 2009 Inversión en empresa coligada US$0 miles.
0%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at 31 december 2010
RUT: 76.775.710-7
Incorporation: 31 January 2007.
Notary’s Office: Osvaldo Pereira González. Santiago Registry of Commerce on page 6,625 No.4,909, in 2007.
As at 31 December 2010, capital paid by Codelco Chile totalled US$ 37,000,000, equivalent to 37% interest.
Production, storage, marketing, transport and distribution of all kinds of fuel; and the acquisition, construction, and operation of the facilities and infrastructure and other physical works required to transport, receive, process and store, both in Chile and overseas, by the company or in a third-party partnership.
Willem Van Twembeke, Chairman
Andrés Alonso (*)
Luis Valenzuela P.
Marcelo Tokman
Manlio Alessi Remedi
Juan ClaverÃa A.
Jean Louis Pairon
Jan Flachet
Francisca Castro F. (*)
Mario Espinoza D. (*)
Valérie Barnich
Albert Verhoeven
Marleen Delvaux
Frederik Janssens
As at 31 December 2010, Codelco’s interest in Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A. was 37%. Prior to the last amendment to the articles of association of Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A., agreed at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 5 November 2010, Codelco had 50% interest.
Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A. supplies Codelco Chile with regasified natural gas.
Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A. has a regasified natural gas sales contract with Codelco, as per a take-or-pay agreement. It also has this sort of contract with SCM El Abra and ECL; Codelco has a stake in both companies. Between Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A. and Codelco, there is an options contract which entitles to the future use of facilities with Codelco as client; and also other contracts with Complejo Portuario Mejillones, a subsidiary of Codelco. Option contract where Codelco has an option between: • Rights of use regarding the regasification terminal facilities for Codelco as a regasification service customer and other related services. • Acquire shares in Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A., by subscribing and paying through a share capital increase. Tariff payment agreement for granting guarantees on the ISDA contracts entered into between Sociedad GNL Mejillones S.A. and Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc, Koch Supply and Trading LP and Barclays Bank PLC. Contracts with Complejo Portuario Mejillones S.A., a Codelco subsidiary, associated with a land lease on the property were the GNL Mejillones facilities are operating.
2010 Investment in associated company US$0 2009 Investment in associated company US$27,979,000
0%, 2010
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Al 31 diciembre 2010
RUT: 88.006.900-4
Incorporation: 30 September 1983.
Notary’s Office: Enrique Morgan Torres. Registered on page 467 number 244 of Santiago Registry of Commerce in 1983.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco was US$172,991,000, equivalent to a 16.46% interest.
Generate, transport, distribute and supply electricity; purchase, sell and transport all kinds of fuel, either liquid, solid or gaseous fuels; provide consultancy services in all fields and specialties in engineering and business management; and provide maintenance and repair services for power systems.
Jan Flachet, Chairman
Manlio Alessi Remedi
Juan ClaverÃa A.
Willem van Twembeke
Jorge Bande B. (*)
Francisca Castro (*)
Cristián Eyzaguirre J.
Albert Verhoeven
Marc Debyser
Gabriel Marcuz
Frederik Janssens
Waldo Fortin (*)
Mario Espinoza D. (*)
Lodewijk Verdeyen
Codelco has a direct 16.35% interest and an indirect 23.65% through Inversiones Mejillones 2 S.A. and during there were no changes during the period under review. On 29 December 2009, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Edelnor (now E – CL S.A.) and Inversiones Tocopilla-1 S.A. agreed the merger of both companies by absorption of the latter by Edelnor; therefore Inversiones Tocopilla-1 S.A. was dissolved and all its assets and liabilities were transferred to Edelnor. Hence, Edelnor became the owner of all the shares it held in Electroandina S.A. (99.99%), Central Termoeléctrica Andina S.A. (99.99%), Inversiones Hornitos S.A. (60%), Gasoducto Norandino S.A. (78.91%) and Gasoducto Norandino Argentina S.A. (78.91%). In contrast to the above transfer of assets and liabilities, Edelnor gave 604,176, 440 own shares to Inversiones Tocopilla-1 S.A. shareholders on pro rata basis of their interest in the absorbed company, therefore, Suez Energy Andino S.A. and Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (Codelco) obtained , 430,793,979 shares and 173,382,461 shares, respectively. Given the interest they both have in the company, through Inversiones Mejillones-1 S.A. and Inversiones Mejillones-2 S.A., the direct and indirect interest of Suez Energy Andino S.A., controller of Edelnor, is 52.40%, while the direct and indirect interest of Codelco is 40%. The remaining 7.6% is still held by minority shareholders.
Electroandina S.A. as a 99.99% subsidiary of E.CL S.A. has a contract in effect until 2024: Electricity Supply Contract with Codelco Chile, Codelco Norte Division. Distrinor S.A. as a 99.99% subsidiary of Electroandina S. has a contract in effect until 2013 Natural Gas Supply Contract with Codelco Chile, Codelco Norte Division. Finally, Distrinor provided gas transport services to Codelco during the second half of 2010 (for gas directly purchased by Codelco from GNLM).
No commercial contracts with Codelco in 2010.
2010 Investment in associated company US$672,409,000. 2009 Investment in associated company US$258,011,000.
3,316%, 2010
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Al 31 diciembre 2010
RUT: 76.082.774-6 Incorporation: 20 November 2009.
Notary’s Office: Iván Torrealba Acevedo, registered on page 51,502, no. 43,055 in the Santiago Registry of Commerce, 2009
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco was US$174,642,000, equivalent to a 99.99% interest.
Its purpose is to buy and sell any securities held as shares, and rights in other companies whose business activity is in electricity in any of its forms, especially in the electricity sector and investments in companies that develop such business activities; manage such investments and receive returns; and participate in any other business or activity directly or indirectly related, associated and/or complementary to the corporate business.
Jorge Bande, Chairman (*)
Cristián Eyzaguirre J.
Victor Janer (*)
Codelco directly holds a 99.99% interest and there were no changes during the period under review.
No business relations between companies in 2010.
No business contracts with Codelco in 2010.
2009 Investment in associated company US$119,274,000.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 96.971.330-6 Incorporation: 29 December 2000.
Notary’s Office: José Musalem Saffie Series No.13.010/2000. Santiago Registry of Commerce of the Property Registrar, on page 2 No. 2, 2001.
Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco, as at 31 December 2010, $ 255,009,346, representing 0.89%.
Research, exploration and operation of geothermal resources, located in northern Chile (1st, 2nd and 3rd Region); marketing in whatever way all its products, by-products, raw materials, whether manufactured, semi-manufactured or not, directly or indirectly result from the activities stated in the above number. Furthermore, the company may also carry out any other activity related, directly or indirectly with those listed above, to efficiently use the social organisation.
Rafael Sotil Bidart, Chairman
Rodrigo Bloomfield
Valerio Cecchi
Giuseppe Turchiarelli
Guido Cappetti
La participación de Codelco al 31 de diciembre de 2010 corresponde a un 0.89% del capital social. Con fecha 1 de diciembre de 2010 se aumentó el capital social que fue suscrito por Enap y Enel solamente. El resto de la participación se distribuye entre las empresas Enap (48.59%) y Enel (51%).
No business relations between the companies in 2010.
No new contracts in 2010
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at 31 diciembre 2010
RUT: 76.334.370-7
Trade Name: Isapre Fusat Ltda.
Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Fusat totalled $ 1.37 billion.
Finance health services and benefits and related or complementary activities, as provided in Law 18,933 and its subsequent amendments.
MarÃa Elena Etcheverry C., Presidente.
Gustavo Sánchez M.
Diego Ruidiaz G. (*)
Ricardo Ãlvarez F. (*)
Ãlvaro Covarrubias R.
Francisco de La Fuente
Codelco does not have direct shareholding. Isapre Fusat Ltda. shareholding is distributed as follows:
Isapre Fusat Ltda. Finances healthcare services through medical care services targeting all Codelco employee members of this Isapre, and their family members and all members who are former employees of Codelco. The amount of the services paid on a monthly basis (allowance value), by Codelco to Isapre Fusat.
The agreements currently entered into and in effect with Codelco El Teniente Division are:
Al 31 diciembre 2010
RUT : 70.905.700-6
Trade Name: Fundación de Salud El Teniente
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Fusat totalled $ 101,000,000.
Provide healthcare service under the terms and conditions provided by Law 18,933 and subsequent amendments. Establish free healthcare service for low-income people.
Maintain and/or increase coverage and quality of healthcare initiatives, in keeping with the Codelco-Chile and Supreme Government health plans. Maintain and/or increase health research plans, especially occupational health.
Direct initiatives based on prevention standards, without postponing recovery and rehabilitation initiatives. Increase education initiatives in health, training and teaching, related to regional and nationwide plans.
Sign agreements and/or contracts with other similar entities to achieve its objective.
Optimise resource management to be more efficient, in order to maintain or increase the infrastructure and specific
MarÃa Elena Etcheberry C., Presidente.
Gustavo Sánchez M.
Ricardo Ãlvarez F. (*)
Ãlvaro Covarrubias R.
Diego RuidÃaz G. (*)
Jorge Quevedo S.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Incorporation: 17 April 2006.
Notary’s Office: Patricio ZaldÃvar Mackenna, and through an Exempt Resolution IF/No. 383 on 26 May 2006 (notice was given on 5 June 2006) of the
Superintendency of Health, authorised for the Isapre to be registered as a legal successor, keeping the same number of the Code Registry, No. 62 of the Head Office.
Its purpose is to provide funds for health services and benefits and related or complementary activities, under the terms set out in Law No. 18.933.
Sergio Flores Varas, Presidente (*)
Juan Carlos Joannon
Mauricio Márquez
Carlos Wulff (*)
Carlos BastÃas Gädicke
ClÃnica San Lorenzo Ltda. holds a 99.0% interest in San Lorenzo Isapre Ltda.
Codelco Chile is majority partner of ClÃnica San Lorenzo Ltda. (99.99%).
There were no shareholding structure changes during the period under review.
Salvador Division has been required through collective contracts and/or agreements with its employees, to fund employee and legally recognised family members, healthcare services when the Work Contract is signed with the Division and complete the payment of the legal health contribution to San Lorenzo Isapre Ltda.
The Division funds the healthcare services not included in the Isapre health plan, but which are included in the collective agreements of the Division with employees.
This Isapre has to date the following contracts with related companies:
As at December 2010
RUT: 89.441.300-K
Closely held company.
Trade Name: ClÃnica RÃo Blanco S.A.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$1,058,000, representing a 99.99% interest
Health Insurance Institution (Isapre).
MarÃa Elena Etcheberry Court, Presidente
Armando OlavarrÃa C. (*)
Héctor Cáceres Vicencio (*)
Marcos Vergara Iturriaga
ÃÂlvaro Covarrubias Risopatrón
Leonardo Whittle Ferrer (*)
Manuel Opazo Mortola (*)
Jaime Del Solar Zorzano
Codelco Chile: 99.99%. Isapre San Lorenzo Ltda.: 0.01%.
Andina Division is required under the contracts and/or collective agreements signed with its employees, to fund its employees and their legally recognised family members, healthcare services when the employee signs a Work Contract with the Division and to pay the legal health insurance payment to Isapre RÃo Blanco. Likewise, the Division is required to provide healthcare to its former employees who opted for the early retirement plan, so they may have, and their legally recognised family members, the medical, pharmaceutical and dental care included in the health regulation for the period of time set out in the corresponding early retirement plan. The Division’s contribution is complementary to the mandatory health payment for each employee to the amount required to complete.
Asimismo, se ha obligado a entregar prestaciones de salud a los ex-trabajadores acogidos a planes de egreso, con el fin de que obtengan para ellos y sus cargas familiares legalmente reconocidas las atenciones médicas, farmacéuticas y dentales contempladas en los reglamentos de salud por el plazo que establece el respectivo plan de egreso.
El aporte de la División, viene en complementar la cotización de salud que es obligatoria para cada trabajador en aquella parte que faltare para completar el precio del respectivo plan de salud de la Isapre.
Contract No. 4600008778, for medical services provided to employees, former employees and their family members. Andina Division entrusts Isapre RÃo Blanco Ltda., to fund the preceding services, based on the terms and conditions of the Isapre’s health plan.
Contract No. 4600008777 Health Benefit Administration Agreement, Andina Division entrusts Isapre the health benefit administration provided in their collective agreements and contracts when the benefits are not covered by the health plan. This is maintained so that the company complies with the work commitments concerning health issues, takes out healthcare services and pays on behalf of the principal, all the health service expenses associated with the health benefit for employees, former employees and their family members, even if they exceed the amount set out in the relevant Healthcare Group Plan, amounts that the company refunds the Isapre in conformity with the terms and conditions provided in the contract.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$2,300,000.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$1,807,000.
0,011%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 79.566.720-2
Trade Name: Isapre Chuquicamata Ltda. Limited Liability Company.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled $ 764,895, representing a 93.3% interest.
Provision of health services and benefits, either directly or through funding, pursuant to the regulations set forth in D.F.L. No. 3 issued by the Ministry of Health. In order to meet its objective, the company may perform and enter into any kind of contract, even create and form part of other companies.
Julio Aranis Vargas (*)
General Manager
Militza Saguas González
Codelco has a 98.3% interest. Fusat has 1.7% interest there were no changes in Codelco’s interest during the period under reviews.
As requested by Codelco, it manages group health plans for its employees, former employees, their family members and beneficiaries.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$4,034,000.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$3,207,000.
0,020%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Trade Name: Ejecutora Proyecto
Hospital del Cobre-Calama S.A.
Sociedad Anónima Cerrada.
Its shareholders are: Codelco Chile has Letter from the Chairman of the Board 99.9% interest; and Isapre San Lorenzo has 0.01%.
Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco as at 31 December 2010, totalled US$ 455,000.
Its purposes is to plan and construct, the company or a third party, a building to be used as a hospital in the city of Calama; rent or sublet hospital facilities; take out insurance and carry out repairs, maintenance and improvements to hospital facilities that are rented or sublet.
Ricardo Landeta P., Presidente (*)
MarÃa Rosa MartÃnez Núñez, (*)
VÃctor Janer P. (*)
General Manager
Héctor Cerda Ortiz (*)
Codelco-Chile: 99,99%.
Prestadora de Servicios San Lorenzo Limitada: 0,01%.
Framework agreement entered into by:
Codelco-Chile, Ejecutora Proyecto Hospital del Cobre-Calama S.A. and Las Américas Administradora Fondos de Inversión S.A. It is the regulatory framework governing the relationship between the abovementioned parties, for a 20-year period (until 31 March 2021).
Sublet the Hospital del Cobre Dr. Salvador Allende G., until March 2021, as per the Framework Agreement.
Accounting and billing services provided to the company Ejecutora by Codelco, until 31 March 2021.
Detailed and Basic Engineering Services by Codelco applied to the expansion of the Primary Healthcare Centre, CAP, terminated in 2004.
Various contracts started in 2005, related to the same CAP Primary Healthcare Centre Expansion Project.
No new contracts were entered into in
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$0.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$0.
0%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Al 31 de diciembre de 2010
RUT: 99.573.600-4
Closely held company.
Trade Name: ClÃnica RÃo Blanco S.A.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed
and paid by Codelco totalled
$5,307,000, representing a 99% interest.
Provide health services and benefits,
directly and providing all kinds of
medical services and care, for which it
can create, maintain and manage clinics
and other healthcare establishments,
provide outpatient and emergency
healthcare services, and paramedics;
carry out lab tests, pharmacology,
analyses, radiology tests and, in general,
any medical and nursing activity.
Armando OlavarrÃa C. (*)
Héctor Cáceres Vicencio (*)
Daniel Michea C.
Juan Carlos Joannon
Desiderio Astorga Leyton
Pablo Fernández.
Fernando Condell M.
Leonardo Whittle Ferrer (*)
Manuel Opazo Mortola (*)
Carlos Arroyo L. (*)
Luis Galdames C. (*)
Juan Carlos OlguÃn P.
Juan Montecinos R.
Christian Muñoz T.
Enrique Fernández Astullido
Codelco Chile: 99%.
Isapre RÃo Blanco Ltda.: 1%.
No changes during the period under
Provision of medical, health, ambulatory
and emergency services, paramedics,
lab tests, pharmacology, radiology
and, in general, the provision of medical
and nursing care to workers at
Codelco’s Andina Division.
Occupational health contract with
Occupational Health and Industrial
Department: Contract No. 4500982103,
“Service Provision Contract, Law 16,744.â€
Occupational Health Unit administration
contract at ClÃnica RÃo Blanco:
Contract No. 4500981031, “CRB
Operation and Administration Service
HR Management Contract: Contract
No. 4500875625, “Additional Medical
Care Services.â€
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$1.274.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$1.083.
0,006%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.064.682-2
Trade Name:
Centro de Especialidades Médicas RÃo
Blanco Ltda.
30 June 2009.
Notary’s Office:
Nancy de la Fuente Hernández. It was
published in the Official Gazette no.
39,410 on 13 July 2009. Registered on
page 148 No. 142, in the Santiago
Registry of Commerce in 2009.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed
and paid by Codelco totalled
$560,000, representing a 99% interest.
Implement all kinds services and provide
outpatient medical care and provide
management services for the
health benefits of the contributors and
members of Isapre RÃo Blanco Ltda.
Armando OlavarrÃa Couchot, Presidente (*)
Juan Carlos Joannon
Héctor Cáceres (*)
Leonardo Whittle F. (*)
Daniel Michea
Enrique Miguel Fernández Astudillo
Codelco Chile: 99%.
Isapre RÃo Blanco Ltda.: 1%
No changes during the period under
Provide outpatient medical services
and manage health benefits for workers
at Codelco’s Andina Division.
Industrial area emergency centre
administration and operation contract:
Contract No. 4500980649: “Industrial
Area Emergency Service Contractâ€..
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$832 .
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$619.
0,004%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
A Mutual-Pension Fund Company under
Private Law. It is a non-profit, private,
mutual and pension fund, with legal
capacity under Decree No. 1625 dated 18
June 1927, incorporated to guarantee,
replacing the associated companies,
pension payments under Occupational
Accident Law No. 4,055. It is a non-profit
company and, therefore, is exempt from
income tax law regulations.
Exclusively for the purpose of paying
pension funds pursuant to
Occupational Accident Law No. 4,055.
MarÃa Carolina Vargas V, Presidente (*)
José Antonio Alvarez L. (*)
Gonzalo Zamorano (*)
Victor Janer P. (*)
MarÃa de los Ãngeles Pérez (*)
MarÃa Elena Brahm (*)
Gloria Parada (*)
Rodolfo Reyes (*)
Elly GarcÃa Inostroza
It has a 96.69% interest, and there
were no changes during the year.
The company did not have any business
relations in 2010.
No contracts were entered into in 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$712.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$589.
0,004%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.009.778-0
Incorporation.Series No. 12.688-07.
Notary’s Office:
Iván Torrealba A.
Started Activities: 7 February 2008.
Associated company of Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. (a Codelco subsidiary).
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. (a Codelco Chile subsidiary) corresponds to 1,700 shares, totalling de US$196,666.67.
Research and development to increase molybdenum demand through new and enhanced applications, uses and/or markets, for which the company may, in general, implement any kind of act and enter into any contract, which includes forming and taking part in other companies or entities, directly or indirectly related to achieving the corporate purposes or with management, investment, provision of corporate assets.
Victor Pérez Vallejos, Presidente (*)
Fernando Alliende C.
Jorge Allende R.
Carmen Tardito (*)
David Villaseca
Codelco has indirect interest in the company, through its subsidiary Innovaciones en Cobre S.A., with 33.3%.
The remaining partners’ interest is as follows:
Does not have business relations with Codelco this 2010
Contracts with Codelco
CoMoTech S.A does not have contracts
with Codelco.
*Codelco directors or executive directors.
Al 31 de diciembre de 2010
RUT: 76.024.442.2
Series No. 8881.
Notary’s Office:
Nancy de la Fuente. Deed series where articles of association are amended: 11,018. Started activities: 17 July 2008.
Started de actividades: 17 de julio
de 2008.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. corresponds to 559 shares, totalling $614,900,000, which represents a 47.4% interest.
Its purpose is to: a) Transfer, adapt, research, investigate and develop farming technologies and auxiliary services, based on copper and copper alloys for aquaculture and other related areas; b) Produce and market any kind of product and/or services resulting from the above activities; c) Perform all acts and enter into contracts and agreements that directly and indirectly lead to achieving its goal.
VÃctor Pérez V., Presidente (*)
Alan Farcas
Eduardo Foix I. (*)
Miguel Riquelme A.
Luis Pichott
Gabriel Yany
Marcelo Molina
Carmen Tardito S. (*)
Jürgen Leibbrandt (*)
Rodrigo Sánchez
Chile has indirect ownership in EcoSea Farming S.A., through its subsidiary Innovaciones en Cobre S.A., with a 47.4% interest.
The remaining partners’ interest is as
EcoSea Farming S.A. does not have
business relations with Codelco.
EcoSea Farming S.A. does not have any
contracts with Codelco.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.043.396-9
Series No. 20536/2008.
Notary’s Office:
Santiago Eighteenth Notary’s Office.
Started activities: 30 December 2008.
Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco
as at 31 December 2010 accounted for 1
share, totalling US$2,074 and the capital
subscribed and paid by Inversiones
Copperfield corresponds to 999 shares,
totalling US$1,571,926.
Its purpose is to:
a) Analyse, research, invent, create,
develop and implement new applications,
benefits and uses for copper and
b) Promote, spread, distribute
 and market products that are
manufactured incorporating new
applications, benefits and uses for
copper and/or molybdenum;
c)Â Represent companies and individuals
or entities, national o foreign; and d)
Perform all kinds of activities that are
directly and indirectly related to the
above and any other activity the partners
by common consent specify. All
the activities that form part of the corporate
purpose may be performed by
the company or another company,
either directly or by a third party.
Jurgen Leibbrandt, Presidente (*)
Nicolás Saric R. (*)
Alan Farcas G.
Victor Pérez Vallejos (*)
Codelco Chile directly has 0.1% interest
in Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. and
Sociedad Inversiones Copperfield
Limitada (a Codelco Chile subsidiary)
has the remaining 99.9% interest.
Company related to Codelco in order to
invest in business and projects related
to new copper and molybdenum applications.
Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. has no contracts
with Codelco.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 77.773.260-9
Limited Liability Company incorporated
by public deed on 12 December 2001.
Notary’s Office:
Ãlvaro Bianchi Rosas. Registered in the
Registry of Commerce on page 32430
No. 26478, on 14 December 2001.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled MUS$6,390 pesos, representing a 99.99% interest.
Exploration and operation of mineral resources and processing plants; purchase, build and operate property, deposits and mining rights; and participate in any kind of company, taking up, directly or indirectly, rights and ownership.
Mario Espinoza Durán (*)
Waldo Fortin Cabezas (*)
Francisca Castro Fones (*)
Originally, after statutory amendments in 2008, Codelco had 99.985198753% interest and Santiago de RÃo Grande S.A. 0.014801247% interest. After Codelco International Limited, a Codelco Chile subsidiary, purchased Santiago del RÃo Grande’s stake on 23 December 2009, the ownership interest of Sociedad de Inversiones Copperfield Ltda.Â
At present, Inversiones Copperfield Ltda. does not have business relations with Codelco, except as minority shareholder in the following companies: Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A (0.1%), Minera Gaby S.A. (0.1%), Termoeléctrica Farellones S.A.(1.0% until 15 December 2009) and EnergÃa Minera S.A.(1.0%); and CompañÃa Minera Picacho SCM (0.01%); majority shareholder in Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. (99.9%).Â
During this period under review no contracts were entered into with Codelco.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$14.179.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$15.385.
0,070%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Trade Name: Elaboradora de Cobre
Chilena Limitada.
18 December 1985.
Notary’s Office:
MarÃa Gloria Acharán Toledo.
Registered on page 20,932, No. 10,784 in
Santiago Registry of Commerce in 1985.
Based on the last amendment of its
articles of association, this company
expires on 31 December 2009.
As at December 2010, it totalled
Originally incorporated in 1985 by
Codelco and Madeco S.A. as a limited
liability company, in order to study and
develop projects and investments on
producing and marketing non-ferrous
metal manufactured and semi-manufactured
products, either directly or in
partnership with a third party. By public
deed, on 17 April 1998 the company
changed its shareholder structure.
Through an amendment Sociedad,
Madeco S.A. withdrew as shareholder
and Codelco-Chile held 99% interest and
Minera Picacho held 1%. On 26
November 2009, the shareholders
agreed on the dissolution and liquidation
of Sociedad Elaboradora de Cobre
Chilena Limitada, since it currently does
not fulfil the objectives for which it was
created and keeping it open implies
unnecessary expenses for the partners.
On 27 January 2011, the majority shareholder,
Codelco, agreed to the dissolution
and liquidation of the company. At
present, the grounds for its creation are
no longer applicable.
Until closure date, Codelco-Chile had a
99% interest and CompañÃa Minera
Picacho SCM, 1%.
There were no changes during 2010.
No business relations between the
No new contracts between the companies
in 2010.
2009 Investment in associated
company US$1,390,000.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Company related to Codelco
International Limited. Incorporated: 26
June de 2000 and domiciled in
Bermuda (UK).
Marketplace mining company that
operates a global electronic market to
exchange mining goods and services
for the global business market; enables
companies that wish to take advantage
of its digitalisation across its supply
chain and order processes; provide
solutions and services to companies
offering products and services, including
but not limited to, connectivity,
content, electronic catalogues, shipping
services and strategic solutions.
Alan J. Broome, Presidente
Andrew Hinkly
Juan Eduardo Herrera
Scott Singer
Dirk Van De Putte
Lionel Willaert
Joao Moraes
Charles Jackson
Codelco International Limited has
80,280 shares corresponding to a
4.849% stake and there were no changes
during the period under review.
Provides Marketplace services to
Codelco Chile; therefore, Codelco Chile
has a double relationship with QIHL:
one as indirect shareholder (through
its subsidiary Codelco International
Limited) and another as a client.
Codelco has the following service contracts
with Quadrem:
4500805737Â E-business platform.
4500951915 Â Corporate services for
material coding and
4500839992 Â Issue and receipt of e-tax
documents electrónicos.
4500903505 Â Suplly agreement
management comprehensive services.
4500901464Â Implementation and
operation of SMAC
Codelco directors or executive directors.
As at December 2010
Subsidiary company of Codelco Technologies Limited (100%). RUT: 59.087.530-9 Incorporated on 22 August 2000 in Jersey (U.K.) (ACL). Registry number: 78014, on Jersey Island. Notary´s Office: Goeffrey St. Clair Cornwall. Started activities: 2001
Develop activities for all kinds of ore treatment and smelting, especially impurity treatment and ore recovery. Also develop innovations to treat smelter dust and other smelter and refinery effluents, applying environmentally sustainable technologies.
José Robles B., Presidente (*)
Mario Espinoza D. (*)
Pedro Morales C. (*)
Hernán Sepúlveda Astorga (*)
Luis FarÃas Lasarte (*)
Codelco Technologies Limited holds 100% interest, and no changes occurred during the period under review.
Provides processing services to Codelco Chile, through a contract to provide copper recovery processing services contained in the copper concentrate smelter dust, dated 31 March 2007.
In November 2010 a commercial agreement was reached with Salvador Division to buy dust from Potrerillos smelter.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Associated company of Codelco International Limited (50%). Incorporated under the laws of Bermuda on 1 February 2006.
Perform business transactions between Codelco Chile and Minmetals Non – Ferrous Metals Co. Ltd.
M. de los Ãngeles Pérez (*)
Mario Espinoza D. (*)
Rodrigo Toro (*)
Xu Jiqing
Jiao Jian
Wang Lixin
Incorporated by Codelco International Limited (50%) and Ambum Enterprises Limited (50%), subsidiaries of Codelco and China Minmetals Non-Ferrous Metals Co. Ltd., respectively. No shareholding structure changes during the period under review.
The company has a contract with Codelco Chile until May 2021: its buys from Codelco 55,750 MT of copper per annum.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Incorporation: Bermuda, 2000. Registration No. EC-28891.
Manage and control Codelco’s interest in various international projects. It has investments in Ecometales Limited on Jersey-Channel Island, and its operating agency Ecometales Limited – Agency in Chile, to develop and mine biologically-based technologies applied to copper and molybdenum material and concentrate processing .and also in Codelco do Brasil Mineraçao Limitada, in Brazil, in order to develop exploration, extraction and market development projects.
Mario Espinoza Durán, Office Set Director and Chairman (*)
Waldo Fortin Cabezas, Office Set Director and Deputy Chairman (*)
Juan Enrique Morales Jaramillo, Director (*)
Codelco International Limited has 100% interest and no changes occurred during the period under review.
No business relations between the companies in 2010.
No direct acts or contracts between Codelco and Codelco Technologies Limited in 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Incorporation: Brazil, 14 September 2001. Series No. 33.2.0708361-1. Board of Trade R.J.
Ownership interest in mining companies or ventures, of any kind in Brazil and/or overseas, is similar to managing own assets or third-parties assets. Carry out any activity related to mining, including but not limited to, research, exploration and extracting economic resources and/or ore deposits in Brazil. Carry out, in general, any other civil or commercial activity, directly or indirectly related to research, exploration, economic extraction, production or marketing mineral products or by-products.
Mario Espinoza Durán (*)
Waldo Fortin Cabezas (*)
Nicolás Saric Rendic (*)
Juan Enrique Morales Jaramillo (*)
Carlos Huete Lira (*)
Codelco International Limited and Codelco Technologies Limited have 90% and 10% interest, respectively. There were no changes during the period under review.
No business relations between the companies in 2010.
No contracts with Codelco in 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Incorporation: Bermuda 2000. Registration No. EC-28890.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$49,323,000, representing 100%.
Its purpose is to manage and control Codelco’s interest in the various international projects. Through its subsidiary Codelco Technologies Limited it has investments Ecometales Limited, a firm in Jersey-Channel Island, and its operating agency Ecometales Limited –Agency in Chile, to develop and mine biologically– based technologies applied to copper and molybdenum materials and concentrates. Codelco International Limited and Codelco Technologies Limited have incorporated Codelco do Brasil Mineraçao Limitada, in Brazil in order to develop exploration, mining and market development projects. The firm has a 6% stake in Quadrem International Holdings Limited, a world company formed by companies related to mining, to operate in the electronic market to purchase and transfer goods exploand services. In partnership with the Chinese company Album Enterprises Limited (China Minmetals subsidiary) created in Bermuda (UK), the trading company Copper Partners Investment Ltd, each holding 50%. Codelco International Limited, in December 2009 acquired the stake Santiago del RÃo Grande had in Sociedad de Inversiones Copperfield Ltda. and now has the latter’s 0.01% interest.
Mario Espinoza Durán, Office Set Director and Chairman (*)
Waldo Fortin Cabezas, Office Set Director and Deputy Chairman (*)
Nicolás Saric Rendic, Director (*)
Codelco has a 100% interest.
Copper Partners Investment Company Ltda. and Ecometales Limited have commercial contracts with Codelco.
No new contracts between Codelco and Codelco International Limited in 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$19,799,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$96,294,000.
0,098%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Al 31 diciembre 2010
RUT: 76.082.158-6 Incorporation: 13 November 2009.
Notary’s Office: Iván Torrealba Acevedo. Registered on page 59,192, number 41,277, of the Registry of Commerce, in 2009.
Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco is US$18,558,000, equivalent to 34.8% interest. Indirectly holds 65.2% through its subsidiary Inversiones Tocopilla 2 B S.A.
The purpose of this company is to buy and sell securities held as shares, bonds and other instruments issued by Empresa Eléctrica del Norte Grande S.A. Exercise all the rights and perform all the obligations as shareholder and holder of such securities, pursuant to the law and articles of association and, in general, buy, sell, invest in all kinds of intangible property, such as company bonds, shares, deposits, mutual fund payments, share certificates, bills of credit, securities, etc.; manage such investments and receive returns; and participate in any other business or activity directly or indirectly related, associated and/or complementary to the corporate business.
Jorge Bande, Chairman (*)
Cristián Eyzaguirre J.
VÃctor Janer (*)
Codelco directly holds a 34.8% interest, and indirectly, 65.2% through its subsidiary Inversiones Tocopilla 2 B S.A. there were no change during the period under review.
No business relations between companies in 2010.
No contracts with Codelco in 2010.
2009 Investment in associated company US$ 129,921,000
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 96.876.140-4 Incorporation: 2 October 1998.
Notary’s Office: Gloria Cortez Escaida
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$24,000, representing 99.99%.
Its purpose is to obtain water rights and mining resources exploration.
Carlos Huete Lira, Chairman (*)
Hernán Sepúlveda A. (*)
Nicolás Saric Rendic (*)
Mirtha Solari Espinoza (*)
Codelco directly holds 99.99 % and indirectly 0.01% interest.
At present Santiago de RÃo Grande does not have any business relations with Codelco.
On 26 November 2010 a contract was entered into with Codelco to explore for water and obtain water use rights as titleholder.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$0 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$0.
0%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.028.880-2
Trade Name: Sociedad Contractual Minera Purén.
Incorporation: 23 September 2003.
Registration: Property Register on page 121, no.31 in 2003,
and Shareholders’ Register on page 185, no.207 in 2003,
both at the Santiago Mining Registrar. Notary’s Office: Fernando Opazo LarraÃn
Codelco holds 35% interest; CompañÃa Minera Mantos de Oro, 65%. Capital subscribed and paid by Mantos de Oro: US$18,410,000. Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco: US$9,913,000.
The purpose of the company is to explore, search, prospect, research, develop and operate mining deposits, in order to extract, produce and process ores, concentrates and other mineral products. Additionally to install and operate ore concentrator and treatment plants; claim and purchase mining rights of any kind; sell, transport, export and market mineral substances and products. Also perform any action and enter into any contract and agreements that indirectly or directly result in achieving its business object.
Andrés Verdugo, Chairman
Alejandro Gómez Arenal (*)
Nicolás Saric (*)
Luis Parra Falcón
Rolando Cubillos Basaure
Marcos Ãlvarez Silva
Carlos Huete Lira (*)
Eduardo Foix I. (*)
John Robert Pritting
Miguel Baeza GuÃñez
Guillermo Olivares Ardiles
Codelco has a 35% interest with 350 shares subscribed from a total of 1,000. There were no changes during the period under review.
No goods or services were sold or purchased between the company and Codelco.
There are no contracts that have significant influence on Codelco’s operations and results.
2010 Investment in associated company US$5,407,000. 2009 Investment in associated company US$7,810,000.
0,027%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 96.701.340-4 Incorporated by public deed on 28 June 1994.
Notary’s Office: VÃctor Manuel Correa Valenzuela. Registered in the Santiago Registry of Commerce on page 149, No.40 in 1994.
Shareholder Register no. 9054 page 20, 1994. Trade Name: Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra (SCM El Abra).
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid totalled US$647,059,000 divided into 100,000 shares. Shareholders: Cyprus El Abra Corporation holds 51,000 shares, and Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile holds 49,000 shares.
Prospecting, exploring and mining the El Abra ore deposit, located in the 2nd Region of Antofagasta, including its extension, and also the adjacent or nearby areas. Also extracting, processing and treating ore mined at the deposit and surrounding areas; and transporting and trading products and by-products obtained from processing ore and other mining activities at the deposit.
Jorge Riquelme, Chairman
Luis FarÃas Lasarte (*)
Harry M. Conger
Juan Enrique Morales (*)
Francisco Costabal
Steve I. Tanner
Germán Morales (*)
Kathleen Quirk
Mario Espinoza Durán (*)
Joshua Olmsted
Joshua Olmsted, General Manager
Codelco has a 49% interest, which has not changed since the company was incorporated.
Main business between the two companies: El Abra sells copper cathodes to Codelco. Codelco sells sulphuric acid to SCM El Abra. The amount and price is negotiated on a yearly basis.
The copper sales agreement is under a Marketing Agreement, signed on 15 June 1995, between SCM El Abra and Codelco Services Ltd. This agreement sets forth the termination date as 1 January 2012 and it can be automatically renewed on a year-to-year basis. Sulphuric acid sales contracts have been extended until 31 December 2016.
2010 Investment in associated company US$542,625,000. 2009 Investment in associated company US$448,014,000.
2,676%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Codelco has a 99.9% interest in subscribed and paid-up shares. There were no changes during the period under review.As at December 2010
RUT: 76.685.790-6 Trade Name: Minera Gaby S.A. Closely Held Company, incorporated: 22 September 2006.
As at 31 December 2010, shareholders had subscribed and paid 1,000 registered common, non-par-value shares, all in the same series. Capital authorised, subscribed and paid totalled US$20,000,000. Shareholders: Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile holds a 99.9% interest, and Sociedad Inversiones Copperfield Limitada holds a 0.1% interest.
Mine, explore, prospect, research, develop and operate ore deposits in order to extract, produce and process minerals, concentrates and other mineral products, and for this purpose install and operate ore processing and treatment plants.
Diego Hernández C., Chairman (*)
Juan Enrique Morales (*)
Thomas Keller Lippold (*)
Waldo Fortin Cabezas (*)
Luis FarÃas Lasarte (*)
Eliseo Pérez Delard
Business Relations with Codelco
Entre Minera Gaby S.A. (MGSA) y Codelco existen relaciones comerciales y contratos relacionados con la explotación de la mina Gabriela Mistral y plantas de beneficios, bajo un Contrato General de Prestación de Servicios.
Otras relaciones se desarrollan mediante contratos de Mandatos con representación, Gestión de actividades inversionales de proyectos, Servicios de tecnologÃas de la información y comunicaciones, entre otros.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$33,577,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$24,867,000.
0,166%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.063.022-5 Incorporation: 11 June 2009.
Notary’s Office: Osvaldo Pereira Gonzales, under Series No. 7.565.09,
Abstract page 30101 N1 20730 in the Registry of Commerce of the Santiago Property Registrar.
As at December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco was US$6,100,000, representing 79.74 %.
Exploration and mining resources, exploration and concentrator plants. Incorporate or form part of other partnerships in similar, related or complementary activities; or acquire or transfer rights or shares in them. Acquisition, incorporation and sale of properties, ore deposits, concessions and mining rights in general, immovable or movable assets, and also securities and any other kind of financial instrument. Provide services in Chile and overseas for the mining industry.
Luis FarÃas Lasarte, Chairman (*)
Germán Morales G. (*)
Nicolás Saric R. (*)
Nicolás Saric R. (*)
During the period under review, Codelco Chile held a 74% interest and CompañÃa Contractual Minera Los Andes held the remaining: 20.26%.
The company did not perform any business activities during 2010 with its owner Codelco.
The company did not have contracts. However, it has a contract with a Codelco subsidiary, Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A., to provide exploration services that considers 4,500 metres of drilling, with additional support services, including geology, mapping, chemical analysis and operational support from August 2009 to February 2010. The contract was completed on 1 April 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$2,959,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$4,574,000.
0,015%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors.
As at December 2010
RUT: 99.569.520-0
Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A.
29 July 2004.
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de
Chile, 99.99%; and Sociedad de
Inversiones Copperfield Ltda., 0.1%
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed
and paid by Codelco totalled
US$236,000, representing 99.9%.
Provide planning, management and
implementation services for mining
exploration and water resources exploration
programmes, providing services
in: drilling, chemical analysis, sampling,
lab analysis, geological and
geophysical mapping, physical property
measurement, material characterisation,
support and other services
required to implement such programmes;
consulting services in geology
and related fields; staff training in
areas related to mining exploration;
seminars, workshops and courses;
Carlos Huete Lira, (Chairman) (*)
Edmundo Tulcanaza (*)
Alejandro Gómez Arenal (*)
Sergio Rivera Cabello, General Manager
As at 31 December 2010, Codelco directly
holds a 99.9% interest and indirectly 0.1
% under its subsidiary Soc. de
Inversiones Copperfield Ltda. There
were no changes during the period
under review.
The company provides geological
exploration services to Codelco and
Codelco subsidiaries.
Mining Exploration Services Contract.
Since 15 October 2004, the company
has entered into several contracts with
Codelco in order to implement and
execute Codelco’s exploration programmes
in Chile. The contract currently in
force is “Integral Mining Exploration
Services for 2010-2011 Programmesâ€.
Geological Prospecting Services Contract (Contract between EM S.A.
and IDO S.A.).
The Company entered into a service
contract with Inca de Oro S.A., a
Codelco subsidiary, on 1 August 2009,
to carry out geological prospecting to
demarcate, estimate and classify
during the first seven years of exploration
at Inca de Oro deposit. Contract
end date: 1 April 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$1,058,000.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$760,000.
0,005%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at 31 december 2010
RUT: 78.712.170-5 Trade Name: CompañÃa Minera Picacho SCM. Incoporated on 26 September 1994. Notary’s Office: Andrés Rubio Flores, under Series No. 6552/94.
Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco (9,999 shares) and Sociedad de Inversiones Copperfield Limitada (1 share) totalled US$1,213,000.
It was originally incorporated in 1994 by Codelco and Sociedad Minera Mount ISA Chile S.A. to carry out geological exploration on property owned by Codelco and Mount ISA. In 1997, Codelco bought Mount ISA’s shares and expanded the company’s business activities in order to apply for water exploration permits and obtain water use rights, recently becoming its main business activity.
Carlos Huete Lira (*), Chairman Nicolás Saric Rendic (*) Hernán Sepúlveda Astorga (*)
Ãlvaro Puig Godoy (*)
Codelco directly and indirectly holds 100% interest.
No business relations in 2010.
Mandate to Codelco that authorises exploration activities in areas where Picacho has exploration requests approved and/or undergoing approval effective until December 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$127,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$135,000.
0,001%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at 31 december 2010
RUT: 78.860.780-6
Trade Name: CompañÃa Contractual Minera Los Andes (CCMLA)
Incorporation: 16 May 1996, Series No. 273. Notary: M. Gloria Acharán Toledo.
Registered on page 117, in 1996, in the Property Registry and on page 9550, in the Shareholders’ Book of the Santiago Mining Registrar.
Capital subscribed and paid by partners, equivalent to 15,220,454 shares, Codelco paid 99.969% and Minera Picacho 0.031%, totalling US$17,655,000
Geological and other explorations to find and survey ore bodies in Chile or overseas.
Waldo Fortin Cabezas, Chairman (*)
Francisca Castro Fones (*)
Juan Enrique Morales Jaramillo (*)
Carlos Huete Lira (*)
Nicolás Saric Rendic (*)
Nicolás Saric Rendic (*)
Codelco holds a 99.969% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
Its exploration activities are temporarily at a standstill. Its Exploradora and Esteli properties are being explored by Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Limited/Agency in Chile; and Los Lobos property by Hot Chili (Australia), under options contract that in the future may become public limited companies. During the year, Codelco paid, on behalf of the company, for mine maintenance work, expenses that are recognised under accounts payable. In March 2009, CCM Los Andes received a capital contribution from its principal shareholder, Codelco, to exercise the share option on the Porteñas mining property, subsequently contributed to create Inca de Oro, S.A
No new contracts were entered into during 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$303,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$1,696,000.
0,001%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
RUT: 96.801.450-1
25 July 1996.
Codelco 43.28% and Minera Meridian Limitada 56.72%.
Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco: US$17,052,000, representing a 43.28% interest.
Prospecting, exploring and extracting from mining properties that contain gold, precious metals and other metals, and subsequent marketing activities.
Roberto Alarcón Bittner,
Chairman Ricardo Palma
Charles Bruce Main
Nicolás Saric Rendic (*)
Edmundo Tulcanaza Navarro (*)
Sergio Orrego Flory
Alejandro Gordon Farfán
Jacqueline Francois Fuentes
Eduardo Foix Iñiguez (*)
Carlos Huete Lira (*)
Felipe Núñez Cordero
Codelco holds a 43.28% interest and there were no changes in shareholding structure during the period under review.
The company has the following service contracts with Codelco: Freshwater, industrial water and power supply, and crushing plant lease contract.
No new contracts during 2010.
2010 Investment in associated company US$5,810,000. 2009 Investment in associated company US$5,783,000.
0,029%, 2010.
* Codelco directors or executive directors.
As at December 2010
RUT: 96.819.040-7
18 March 1997.
Notary’s Office:
Hugo Leonardo Pérez Pousa
Registered in the Santiago Registry of
Commerce on page 7,188 No. 5.679.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed
and paid by Codelco totalled
US$32,592,000, representing a 99.99%
The purpose of the company is to project,
build and operate a port in the
Mejillones bay, 2nd Region of
Antofagasta. CPM developed the project
and awarded the construction and operation
of Terminal 1 through a 30-year
concession contract to CompañÃa
Portuaria Mejillones S.A., a private consortium
originally formed by Grupo
Ultramar, Inversiones y Construcciones
Belfi Ltda. and Inversiones Portuarias
Norte Grande S.A.
Jorge Taboada, Presidente
Rodrigo Toro U. (*)
Waldo Fortin C. (*)
Mario Espinoza D. (*)
Teodoro Wigodski
ÃÂlvaro Arroyo Albala
There were no changes during the
period under review.
Codelco Guarantee Contract: it is a guarantee
contract entered into by
Codelco, Complejo Portuario Mejillones
S.A. and CompañÃa Portuaria Mejillones
S.A., whereby Codelco guarantees to
CompañÃa Portuaria Mejillones S.A. the
payment of any and all sums payable
by CPM to the CompañÃa Portuaria
under the Contract to Build Port
Facilities and Provide Port Services at
Terminal 1, Mejillones (BOT Contract),
entered into by both companies, in the
event that CPM fails to comply.
Contract whereby CPM rents out office
space to Codelco at Terminal 1 administration
building, October 2003.
There were no new contracts with
Codelco in 2010.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$25.990.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$32.777.
0,128%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.869.100-2
Incorporation: 11 April 2008.
Notary’s Office: René Benavent Cash. Registered on page 22,026 No. 16.060 in the Registry of Commerce of the Santiago Property Registrar in 2007.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$3,092,000, representing a 36% interest.
Research, design, creation, invention, manufacture, installation, supply, maintenance and marketing in whatever form, all kinds of robotic products, robotic technology products or supplies required or complementary to market and maintain such products in the mining and metallurgical industry, and related services; produce under licensing, license, and market product licenses, robotic technology processes and services for the mining and metallurgical industry and, also form any kind of firm and become a partner or shareholder in any existing firm.
Hugo Salamanca Poblete, Presidente.
Eugenio Barhar Bortschenko
Juan Carlos Villegas
Luis Morán Tamayo
José Robles Becerra (*)
Pedro Sierra Bosch
Kenichi Murakami
Edgar Happke A.
Codelco has 67,925 shares, equivalent to 36% and the remaining shares are distributed between Industrial Support Company Limitada, 53%, Nippon Mining & Metals Co. Ltd., 9% and Kuka Roboter GmbH, 2%.
At present, MIRS S.A. has a Framework Contract with Codelco to develop robotic solutions and implement operation and maintenance services for the technology’s life cycle, so as to facilitate the early incorporation of these solutions in Codelco’s processes.
2010 Investment in associated company US$2,537,000. 2009 Investment in associated company US$2,238,000.
0,013%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.561.210-1
Trade Name: Mining Information, Communication and Monitoring S.A. (MICOMO S.A.)
Incorporation: 10 April 2006.
Notary’s Office: César Ricardo Sánchez GarcÃa. Registry of Commerce of the Santiago Property Registrar, on page 16,702, No.11,490, in 2006
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$1,980,000, representing a 66% interest.
MICOMO S.A. was incorporated by Codelco jointly with NTT Advanced Technology Corporation (Japan) and NTT Leasing (USA), Inc. The purpose of the company is to provide, design and maintain ITC products (information technology and communications) and services related to Codelco; and extend the aforementioned business to mining companies in Chile and abroad.
Juan Enrique Morales Jaramillo, Presidente (*)
Pedro Antonio Morales Cerda (*)
Marco Orellana Silva (*)
Daniel BarrÃa Iroumé
Hiroshi Kotera
Yoshihisa Sakai
Codelco has 66% of subscribed and paid shares. There were no changes during the period under review.
Framework Contract No. 4600006468. NTT Technology Adaptation and Implementation Services. Service Framework Contract No. 4600009138. Micomo Services for development, validation, implementation and support during the technology’s life cycle.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$1,773,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$2,810,000.
0,009%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 76.781.030-K
Incorporation: 12 December 2006.
Notary’s Office: Eduardo Avello Concha. Registered in the Registry of Commerce on page 363, no.295 in 2008.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco Chile totalled US$40,000 (forty thousand US dollars) equivalent to 400 shares. The remaining 60% of shares is held by Honeywell Chile S.A.
The purpose of this company is to provide automation and control services for industrial and mining activities, and also provide technology and software licenses.
Claudio Zamora Larreboure, Presidente
Luis Castelli Sandoval (*)
José Robles Becerra (*)
Frank Whitsura
David Sánchez
General Manager
Fernando Lorca Arancibia
Codelco Chile has a 40% interest in Kairos Mining S.A. There were no changes during the period under review.
Kairos Mining S.A. has a long-term service framework agreement currently in force with Codelco Chile. Services Framework Agreement to develop an automation programme at Codelco concentrator plants, during a 5-year period (as of 3 April 2008); it can be extended for equal and successive 5-year periods.
10 September 2010, Amendment No. 1 to the Service Framework Agreements was signed, expressly incorporating the concentrator plants at Salvador and Ministro Hales Divisions, within the scope of the programme-initiative.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$105,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$94,000.
0,001%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
RUT: 96.854.500-0 Instituto de Innovación en MinerÃa y Metalurgia S.A.
Incorporation: 24 September 1998 Series No. 3664/98 Santiago
Notary’s Office: Antonieta Mendoza Escala.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$3,296,000, representing 99.93%.
Develop metallurgical and mining technological innovation.
Juan Enrique Morales Jaramillo, Chairman (*)
Pedro Morales Cerda (*)
Carlos Urzúa RamÃrez (*)
Ricardo Ãlvarez Fuentes (*)
Andrés Weintraub Pohorille
Pedro Sierra Bosch
Codelco has 99.93% interest and there were no changes during the period under review.
Business relations between IM2 and Codelco dates from 1998. At present the three-year Technological Innovation and Research Agreement is in effect for 2009-2011, whereby IM2 provides services for preparing, and implementing technological innovation and research programmes and projects.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$5,305,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$4,786,000.
0,026%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Legal Status RUT: 96.991.180-9
Incorporation: 31 May 2002.
Notary’s Office: Nancy de la Fuente Hernández. Santiago Registry of Commerce of Property Registrar, on page 14,849 No.12.239 in 2002, and it was rectified on page 17.663 No.14,532.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco totalled US$ 25,066,000, representing 66.67%.
Develop processes and technology in the field of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics for mining and, in general, apply the microorganism-based systems and other activities and businesses related to the above areas. The activities currently developed are technological validation and mineral bioleaching research at the pilot plants and commercial prototypes.
Juan Enrique Morales Jaramillo, Chairman (*)
Pedro Antonio Morales Cerda (*)
Mario Espinoza Durán (*)
Pedro Sierra Bosch (*)
Keiichi Sato
Kenichi Murakami
Luis Castelli Sandoval (*)
José Robles Becerra (*)
Gloria Parada Zamorano (*)
Juan González González (*)
Wataru Takahashi
Hirofumi Nakata
Ricardo Badilla Ohlbaum
Incorporated by Codelco in association with the Japanese Nippon Mining and Metals Co. Ltd. As at 31 December 2010, Codelco had a 66.67% interest and there were no changes during the period under review.
To date, Biosigma S.A. has entered into the following contracts with Codelco: Contracts signed with Codelco in 2010. Merchant Account Contract dated 24 September 2010. Commodatum Contract dated 26 August 2010, for the delivery of material to BioSigma from the Experimental Pilot Platn CELTE, located in Huechún. Duration: 5 years. Addendum 3 dated 28 May 2010; it extends until 31 December 2010 the Technological Agreement between Codelco BioSigma originally until 23 December 2004. Letter of Intent dated 24 September 2010, to carry out an Industrial Trial of the Technology Applied to the RT Mixed Ore at Codelco Norte Division. Service Contract dated 12 March 2010, to carry out a study on the bioleaching microflora in at Codelco Andina. Service contract dated 1 January 2010, to carry out lab tests for the application of BioSigma technology on sulphide mineral samples from El Teniente and Salvador Divisions, and called Iron Ore Copper and Gold. Amendment 1 on 10 September to EPCM Service Contract, RT Mixed Ore Industrial Test Biomass Plant Project, that extends its implementation until 31 December 2010. Framework Contract dated 17 November 2010, to develop BioSigma’s Application of Bioleaching Technology project, to the mineral resources of Codelco Divisions by applying expert services, conducting lab research, pilot plants, industrial tests and engineering studies.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$2,046,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$2,263,000.
0,010%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Limited Liability Company incorporated in Germany on 7 July 1992. A subsidiary company of Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH.
Heribert Heitling
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by the Codelco Chile subsidiary, Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH, totalled €30,000, as sole shareholder.
Codelco has indirect ownership through its subsidiary company Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH. Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH has a 40% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
A commercial operations agent of Codelco Chile in Germany and Northern European countries. Specifically as Codelco Chile sales agent for copper products in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Denmark. As Codelco Chile sales agent for molybdenum and other by-products in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. It coordinates logistics and supports shipping and delivery operations to customers.
Cathode contracts.
As at December 2010
Incorporated in Germany on 9 April 1975. An associated company of Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH.
Wire rod production plant.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by the Codelco Chile subsidiary, Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH, totalled €3.200.000, a 40% interest.
Stefan Boel, Chairman
Raúl de la Piedra (*)
Heribert Heitling (*)
Jens Jacobsen
Björn Carsten Frenzel
Michael Landau
Fernando Eimbcke (*)
Wilhelm Happ (*)
Jürgen Jestrabek
Codelco has indirect ownership through its subsidiary company Codelco Küpferhandel Gmbh. Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH has a 40% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH (Codelco subsidiary) has a direct relationship with the wire rod production plant Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH, and is its supplier in cathode supply management, and it also trades the wire rods produced.
Cathode contract.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
A limited liability company incorporated in Hamburg on 27 March 1981.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco Chile totalled €3.000.000, as the sole shareholder.
Import, export, trade and transform metal in any form, especially copper; and trade equipment for the copper producing industry. This company’s objective is also to acquire and manage shareholding in metal manufacturing companies, especially copper, and also undertake research work to obtain and manufacture metals. It holds 100% interest in the subsidiary CK Metall Agentur GmbH and 40% in the wire rod production plant Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH; in the latter it manages the cathodes supply, and also markets the wire rods produced.
Diego Hernández C., Chairman (*)
Rodrigo Toro U. (*)
MarÃa de los Ãngeles Pérez (*)
Heribert Heitling
Codelco has 100% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
Through the subsidiary CK Metall Agentur, GmbH acts as the commercial operations agent for Codelco Chile in Northern European countries (Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Denmark). Through its associated company in the UK, Codelco Services Ltd., it performs hedging and other brokerage activities for Codelco.
Cathode contract.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$0. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$1,085,000.
0%, 2010
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Subsidiary company of Codelco Group (USA), Inc. Incorporated under the Laws in the State of York.
Acts as sales agent and represents Codelco Chile copper products and byproducts in NAFTA markets, and also internally trades copper in NAFTA with the respective logistics procedure.
Rodrigo Toro U., Presidente (*)
Waldo Fortin (*)
Conrado Venegas (*)
Michael Galetzki
Codelco has indirect ownership through its subsidiary company Codelco Group USA Inc. Codelco Group USA Inc. has 100% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
It has business relations with Codelco, as Codelco’s sales agent and representative before international organisations. Specific examples of the business relationship: Acted as sales agent and representative of Codelco-Chile in markets, organisations and activities assigned. Codelco Chile sales agent for copper,
Agency contracts, copper purchase contracts.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Incorporated on 21 December 1992 as a corporation chartered in the State of Delaware, pursuant to section 108(c) under the General Corporation Law.
As at 31 December 2010, capital subscribed and paid by Codelco Chile corresponds to 1,000 shares totalling US$1,000.
Any action or activity permitted under the General Corporation Laws in the State of Delaware. As at 31 December 2010, under this company there are two subsidiaries: Codelco-USA Inc. and Codelco Metals Inc; their objective is to act, but not limited to, as sales agent and representative of Codelco Chile for copper products and by-products in NAFTA markets; trade copper internally in NAFTA markets applying the relevant logistics procedures.
Rodrigo Toro U., Presidente (*)
Waldo Fortin (*)
Conrado Venegas (*)
Michael Galetzki
Codelco has a 100% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
Business relations with Codelco are established through the subsidiary companies in Codelco Group Inc.; one as Codelco Sales Agent; another as a copper and molybdenum trading company.
Agency contracts, contracts for the purchase of copper.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$0. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$0.
0%, 2010
*Codelco directors or executive directors
As at December 2010
Limited liability company incorporated in England on 16 August 1988. A subsidiary company of Copper Limited and associated company of Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH.
As at 31 December 2010, Capital subscribed and paid by its owners was £500,000 with 500,000 shares at £1 each. Chile Copper Limited owns 400,000 shares and Codelco Küpferhandel GmbH owns 100,000 shares.
Its corporate purpose is extensive, and can be summarised as manufacturing, storage and trade of products and provide services to third parties. Its normal business is limited to trading copper and molybdenum products and copper futures trade, in order to provide services to Codelco Chile and Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH, and other companies in the Codelco Group that the Head Office deems appropriate.
Rodrigo Toro U., Chairman (*)
MarÃa de los Ãngeles Pérez (*)
Conrado Venegas (*)
Gonzalo Cuadra
Gonzalo Cuadra
Codelco has indirect ownership through its subsidiaries Chile Copper and Codelco Kupferhandel. They have an 80% and 20% interest, respectively. There were no changes during the period under review.
Codelco Services Limited trades copper and molybdenum to meet Codelco Chile contracts; it also provides hedging services for Codelco Chile and the related company Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Al 31 de diciembre de 2010
Limited Liability Company created in
England on 29 March 1971.
As at 31 December 2010, Capital subscribed
and paid by Codelco Chile totalled
£ 1,000, subscribed in 1,000 shares.
Codelco Chile holds 998 shares.
Codelco Chile jointly with Gonzalo
Cuadra have 2 shares.
Codelco Chile Sales Agent and representative
for copper and molybdenum
products in the UK, Spain, Scandinavia,
Bulgaria, Turkey and other European
and Middle Eastern markets.
It owns 80% of the subsidiary Codelco
Services Ltd., the remaining 20% is
owned by Codelco Kupferhandel
Rodrigo Toro U., Presidente (*)
MarÃa de los Angeles Pérez L. (*)
Conrado Venegas (*)
Gonzalo Cuadra
Codelco holds a 100% interest. There
were no changes during the period
under review.
Agent through its subsidiary company
Codelco Services Ltd. It trades copper
and molybdenum to meet Codelco
Chile contracts; and it also carries out
hedging operations for Codelco Chile
and its subsidiary Codelco
Kupferhandel GmbH.
Copper sales agency contract.
Molybdenum sales agency contract.
2010 Investment in subsidiary
company US$2,323,000.
2009 Investment in subsidiary
company US$2,350.
0,011%, 2010.
*Codelco directors or executive directors
Limited Liability Company created in England on 29 March 1971.
As at 31 December 2010, Capital subscribed and paid by Codelco Chile totalled £ 1,000, subscribed in 1,000 shares. Codelco Chile holds 998 shares. Codelco Chile jointly with Gonzalo Cuadra have 2 shares.
Codelco Chile Sales Agent and representative for copper and molybdenum products in the UK, Spain, Scandinavia, Bulgaria, Turkey and other European and Middle Eastern markets. It owns 80% of the subsidiary Codelco Services Ltd., the remaining 20% is owned by Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH.
Rodrigo Toro U., Chairman (*)
MarÃa de los Angeles Pérez L. (*)
Conrado Venegas (*)
Gonzalo Cuadra
Codelco holds a 100% interest. There were no changes during the period under review.
Agent through its subsidiary company Codelco Services Ltd. It trades copper and molybdenum to meet Codelco Chile contracts; and it also carries out hedging operations for Codelco Chile and its subsidiary Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH.
Copper sales agency contract. Molybdenum sales agency contract.
2010 Investment in subsidiary company US$2,323,000. 2009 Investment in subsidiary company US$2,350.
0,011%, 2010.
Headquarters | huérfanos 1270 | santiago | chile | telephone 690 3000 P.O. Box 150 d