Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, Codelco (hereinafter referred to as “Codelco – Chile”, the “Corporation” or “the Company”), is the largest copper producer in the world. Its most important product is refined copper – primarily in the form of cathodes. The Corporation also produces copper concentrates, blister and anode copper and by-products such as molybdenum, anode slime and sulfuric acid. Codelco also manufactures wire rods, a semielaborated product that uses copper cathodes as raw material in Germany.
The Corporation trades its products based on a policy aimed at selling refined copper to manufacturers or producers of semi-elaborated products.
Codelco is registered under Securities Registry No. 785 of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance (the “Superintendency”) and is subject to the supervision of said Superintendency. According to Article 10 of Law No. 20,392 (on new Corporate Governance of Codelco), such supervision will be on the same terms as publicly traded corporations, notwithstanding the provisions in Decree Law (D.L.) No. 1,349 of 1976, which created the Comisión Chilena del Cobre (“Chilean Copper Commission”).
The corporate domicile and headquarters of Codelco are located in Santiago de Chile, at 1270 Huérfanos, telephone number (56 2) 6903000.
Codelco Chile was formed as stipulated by D.L. No. 1,350 of 1976, which is the statutory decree of the Corporation. In accordance with the decree law, Codelco is a state-owned mining, industrial and commercial company, which is a separate legal entity with its own equity. Codelco – Chile currently carries out its mining business through its divisions Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Salvador, Andina, El Teniente and Ventanas. Also, in May 2008, Codelco – Chile started exploiting the deposit known as Gabriela Mistral whose mining operations are under the responsibility of its subsidiary Minera Gaby S.A., 100% owned by the Company. In 2010 the Company was authorized to invest in the operation of the new Division Ministro Hales Mine, whose estimated starting operating date is at the end of 2013. The Corporation also carries out similar activities in other mining deposits in association with third parties.
In accordance with letter e) of Article 10 of Law No. 20,392, Codelco is governed by its organic standards set forth in Decree Law No. 1,350 (D.L. No. 1,350) and that of its statutes, and in matters not covered by them and, insofar as they are compatible and do not go against the provisions of these rules, the rules that govern publicly traded corporations and the common laws as applicable to them.
In accordance with D.L. No. 1,350 Section IV related to the Company’s Exchange and Budget Regulations, Codelco’s financial activities are conducted following a budgeting system that is composed by an Operations Budget, an Investment Budget and a Debt Amortization Budget.
The tax system applicable to Codelco’s income is in accordance with Article 26 of D. L. No. 1,350, which refers to Decree Laws No. 824 on Income Tax of 1974 and Decree Law No. 2,398 (Article 2) of 1978, which are applicable. The Company’s income is also subject to a tax in accordance with Law No. 20,026 of 2005 (Specific Mining Tax).
The Company is subject to Law No. 13,196 that requires the payment of a 10% tax over the foreign currency return on the export value of copper production, including its by-products. Additionally, Codelco, as any company operating in Chile, is subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) Law in accordance with Decree Law No. 825 of 1974; and also to the duties and other taxes levying business activities carried out by companies in Chile. In accordance with the above, Codelco recovers VAT credit as an exporter.
The Corporation, in the development of its operation and investing activities, engages services, subject to Law No. 20,123 on subcontracting, which are executed by contractor companies with their own employees. The labor relationships inside such companies are of exclusive responsibility of each of these companies. Nevertheless, and in order to verify the compliance of the labor and social security regulations by the contractor companies, Codelco exercises the rights of information, withholding and payment in relation to the labor and social security obligations that such companies must comply with their employees.
The subsidiaries whose financial statements are included in these consolidated financial statements correspond to companies located in Chile and abroad, which are detailed in note II.2 e. The associates correspond to companies located in Chile and abroad, which are detailed in note IV.8.
These consolidated financial statements are stated in thousands of US dollars and were prepared based on the accounting records kept by Codelco – Chile and its subsidiaries, and have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (hereinafter “IASB”), and were approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on March 23, 2011.
These consolidated financial statements reflect the financial position of Codelco Chile and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, and January 1, 2009, and also the results of their operations, changes in net equity and cash flows for the years ended in 2010 and 2009.
For statutory purposes, for the preparation of its consolidated financial statements during 2009 Codelco has used the accounting principles generally accepted in Chile (“Chilean GAAP”). The consolidated financial statements of Codelco as of December 31, 2009, filed with the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance and approved by the Board of Directors on February 22, 2010, were prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in Chile, which were considered as the previous accounting principles, as defined in IFRS 1, prior to the preparation of the opening consolidated financial statements under IFRS.