Director’s and Manager’s Compensation

During 2010 and 2009, the directors have received the amounts which are indicated in the chart of transactions with related entities for the concepts of allowance for attendance to meetings, remuneration and fees.


Remuneration of the Corporation’s main executives for 2010 amount to ThUS$ 6,658. This amount includes a performance bonus of ThUS$ 493.

Criteria for determining remuneration were established by the Board of Directors through an agreement dated January 29, 2003. The text in force of the policy, as updated at the Board of Directors’ meeting dated March 2, 2004, is as follows:

a) Fixed remuneration will be to fixed remuneration related to percentile 50.0 of the fixed component of remuneration for the position in the reference market with a range of more or less 15%.

b) The unguaranteed performance bonus will have an annual amount which will fluctuate – depending on compliance with goals and individual performance – between zero and three monthly fixed salaries.

Additionally, two limitations are established: i) that the Company’s annual surplus must be greater than 20% of its equity (capital and reserves), and ii) that the total amount of bonuses could not exceed 2.4 times the added amount of monthly base salary of these executives.

c) Total remuneration; i.e., the addition of fixed guaranteed remuneration plus the possible performance bonus will not exceed total remuneration related to percentile 75 for the position in the reference market.

With respect to severance indemnities none of the executives received any payment for this concept as of December 31, 2010.