10% reduction in emissions with high tonnage extraction trucks

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10% reduction in emissions with high tonnage extraction trucks

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Expected impacts

  • Reduce approximately 130,000 equivalent tons of CO2 per year, accomplished through a 10% reduction in emissions from each of the extraction trucks from the incorporation of technological improvements to their motors.
  • Optimize operations and maintenance costs.

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Proposed solutions

  • Gradually implement technology to reduce extraction truck emissions, with a low investment. 
  • Participate in mining partnerships to seek our modern technologies.
  • Implement training programs to create awareness of efficient energy aspects with a focus on extraction trucks.
  • Seek and implement innovative solutions that complement built-in non-invasive technologies such as hybrid systems and trolleys (electrically driven trucks powered from a substation via cabling).

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This initiative seeks to develop a solution that allows electric truck batteries to be charged safely, quickly, and sustainably. This point is essential to replace the use of diesel and thus avoid polluting emissions to the environment. 


The initial goal of the alliance is to develop a truck concept that can run on a variety of energy sources, including diesel-electric, electric, cables, batteries and even hydrogen cells. 


Part of our work with the company Hatch to decarbonize mine pits involved assessments of different future technological scenarios for extraction trucks under different mining plans. Today a trolley pilot for the Radomiro Tomic Division is being conceptualized.